Nestled along the scenic Ohio River, Huntington was first settled as a main hub for the railroad industry. Now, Huntington, or H-town as the locals call it, has been reimagined and revitalized into a thriving metropolitan, with a side of southern hospitality, known for its unique retail shops, one-of-a-kind restaurants and bustling downtown.

Community Resources
Local Events

Learn about events happening in town.

Places to Eat

Enjoy local favorites and authentic flavors from around the world.

Local Businesses

Shop and support local businesses.

Student Discounts

Many businesses in the Huntington community offer special discounts to Marshall University students. Marshall University’s Student Government Association has this created a list of available student discounts. If you are a local business owner and don’t see your offer included, please contact

The Huntington Community is closer than you think

Did you know you can walk from our main campus to the Pullman Square district in less than 15 minutes?

So many businesses are located just a couple of minutes from our campus any many of them have special offers and discounts for Marshall students.

Use our interactive campus map for directions to our off-campus locations like the Visual Arts Center and Huntington’s Kitchen or check out the Huntington CVB’s area map to find local restaurants, shops and businesses.

Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia
Free Transportation for Marshall Students

All Marshall students are connected to the Tri-State Transit Authority’s entire regional line through Marshall’s partnership with TTA.

The Green Machine is the student TTA bus with stops specifically relevant to the Marshall community.

Whether you need to get downtown for an art class, go grocery shopping or take a day trip to the mall, all you need is a your MUID to ride. Download the RouteShout v2 app for live bus tracking, or visit for a full list of buses, schedules and stop times.

Marshall University has partnered with TTA to provide student transportation via the Green Machine