Jaspreet Sodhi Profile

Assistant Professor
SOPT 129


Clinical Expertise:

  • Geriatrics assessment
  • Sports Physical Therapy

Research/Scholarly Interests:

  • Pain and its adverse health outcomes
  • Disability and Frailty in older population
  • Health disparities and outcomes
  • Social determinants of Health
  • Minority Health
BS, Physical Therapy, Guru Nanak Dev University, India, 2006
MPT, Sports Physical Therapy, Guru Nanak Dev University, India, 2009
MPH, Epidemiology, University of Texas Medical Branch, 2018
PhD, Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Texas Medical Branch, 2019

Teaching and mentoring are essential components of academia that profoundly impact student’s learning experiences and personal growth. I believe in the transformative power of education, and my philosophy as an educator is centered on fostering an inclusive, engaging, and collaborative learning environment. In physical therapy, it is crucial to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the multidisciplinary nature of the discipline and its practical application. My teaching philosophy revolves around empowering students to become critical thinkers and effective communicators. I believe in using diverse teaching methods, such as case studies, group discussions, and experimental learning activities, to promote active engagement in the classroom.

Mentoring plays a vital role in shaping the next generation of health professionals. As a mentor, I believe in providing guidance, support, and encouragement to students as they navigate their academic and professional journeys. I am dedicated to understanding each student’s unique strengths, goals, and challenges, and tailoring my mentorship approach accordingly. Through regular communication, goal setting, and constructive feedback, I aim to inspire students to reach their highest potential and cultivate a commitment to learning and professional development.

Furthermore, I believe in fostering an inclusive and culturally sensitive learning environment. Diversity in the classroom enriches the educational experience and prepares students to address various challenges. I strive to create a welcoming and respectful space where students from diverse backgrounds can freely express their perspectives and engage in meaningful dialogue. By incorporating diverse perspectives in the classrooms and encouraging students to critically analyze issues through an intersectional lens, I aim to promote social justice and equity in health education.