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NASA WV Space Grant Consortium announces nine Marshall winners

Peyton Thomas in lab
The NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium recently announced the winners of the 2021 – 2022 fellowship scholarships. Nine Marshall University undergraduate students were selected to receive the scholarship.

The NASA WV Space Grant Consortium project supplies students with $1,000 in funding for research they are conducting. The consortium is a NASA-sponsored organization consisting of 12 schools throughout the state and 8 corporate and scientific partners. The hope is to build a robust research infrastructure in the state promoting science, technology, engineering and math education.

Each of the Marshall students will receive mentorship from a faculty member. The nine Marshall students receiving the scholarships have wide-ranging research and academic interests.

Student                       Major                                                 Research Mentor

Logan Evans               Biomedical Engineering                     Masudur Rahman

Tyler Hebert               Civil Engineering                                Arka Chattopadhyay

Sarah Lane                  Forensic Chemistry                             Matthew Hostetler

Ian McKnight              Biomedical Engineering                     Joon “Simon” Shim

Hayden O’Dell            Biological Sciences                             Derrick Kolling

Jack Pennington          Geology                                              Michael R. Caudill

Darshan Sangani         Biological Sciences                             John Markiewicz

Peyton Thomas           Exercise Science                                 Kumika Toma

Andrew Wall               Computer and Information Security   Cong Pu

Applicants were asked to submit research proposals that were STEM related and helped support NASA’s mission. For more information on the NASA WV Space Grant Consortium visit


Photo: Peyton Thomas, an Exercise Science major, in the lab conducting research on the skeletal muscle energy system.