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SAM chapter brings home five awards from International Management Conference

The Marshall Society for Advancement of Management (SAM) chapter was recognized with five awards during the 2020 International Management Conference held virtually from March 19 to 21.

The Marshall team placed third in the open division of the International Business Skills Championship, which analyzes students’ ability to operate as a multi-functional manager utilizing the skills and talent they have developed while enrolled in a collegiate business program.

Additionally, the chapter won second place in the Collegiate Performance Program that recognizes the hard work and dedication of chapters who exemplify the principles of the society.

M.B.A. student Alex Valladares received the second-place award for National Outstanding Student, and Sarah Harmon, also an M.B.A. student, received the first-place award in the Super Skills competition.

“It was an such honor to represent Marshall and be acknowledged by such an outstanding professional organization as SAM,” said Harmon, who was competing for the first time.

Finally, Glen Midkiff, director of the Center for Stakeholder Engagement in the Lewis College of Business, won this year’s Outstanding Advisor of the Year Award.

Midkiff said by competing at such a prestigious level, the students’ commitment and drive was apparent in the time and energy they put into the four-month preparation period.

“Marshall’s SAM students have dedicated a significant amount of time to the organization and competition, and they [SAM team] should be admired for their work,” he said. “The chapter’s objective now is to continue stay focused and advance toward future victories for SAM. The yearly conference is an outstanding opportunity to benchmark the business education our Marshall students receive to those at other colleges and universities around the nation.”

SAM is a nonprofit professional society dedicated to the study and practice of management. Founded in 1912 by associates and friends of Frederick W. Taylor in honor of his ground-breaking contributions to scientific management, it continues to promote the rigorous scientific study of management theory as well as its application in organizations worldwide.

For more information about the Marshall University SAM chapter, please visit


Photo: From left to right, Adam Bailes, Jasiel Kinder, Brayden Willmore and Erin Strait presented their case study on Zoom during the 2020 International Management Conference held virtually March 19-21. Originally scheduled to take place in Nashville, Tennessee, the conference was moved to a virtual conference in response to COVID-19.