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Gardner re-elected to the InfraGard West Virginia Board of Directors

Bill Gardner, assistant professor in the Digital Forensics and Information Assurance program at Marshall University, has been re-elected to the InfraGard West Virginia Board of Directors for a two-year term.

Gardner was originally elected to the board in 2017 to serve out a one-year term after a sudden vacancy. His new term began January 2018.

The board is responsible for operating the InfraGard West Virginia Members Alliance (IWVMA) and collaborating with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s InfraGard Program Coordinators. Half of the seven Board members are elected annually with overlapping terms.

The InfraGard West Virginia Members Alliance consists of professionals who manage critical infrastructure in West Virginia.  The IWVMA includes representatives from 16 critical infrastructures, to include chemical, information technology, water supply systems, energy, emergency services, health care and public health, transportation, finance, and telecommunications sectors.

The InfraGard West Virginia Members Alliance individual membership comes from academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the U.S. Marshall’s John Sammons and Josh Brunty are members as well.

“It’s an honor and a privilege to server on the board for another term,” Gardner said. “Information sharing between the sectors is vital to the security of the United States.”

For more information on the InfraGard West Virginia Members Alliance (IWVMA),visit: