Manamee Guha Profile

Assistant Professor
Harris Hall 128


MANAMEE GUHA (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019) is an assistant professor specializing in 19th-century Victorian British history, especially in the role of a colonizing force. She teaches courses on World History (18th century onwards), Histories of Colonized Nations, Cultures and Colonialism, Comparative Colonialism, Gunpowder Empires, Histories of Colonialism, and Decolonization. In her teaching, she encourages her students to think about the era of imperialism as a global historical moment where all parts of the world were inextricably linked to one another through exchanges of ideas, commodities, tastes, and interactions that impacted the lives of all, directly or indirectly. As a global historian, she is interested in exploring the various interconnected links, defying spatial frameworks, that connected the metropole to the colonies, especially South Asia. Currently, she is working on an article about the etiquette, rules, and elements of theatrical performance built around the activity of hunting by the colonized masters and what such a display stood for in terms of legitimizing their role as the superior colonial master. She is also working on a larger book monograph about British genteel clubbability as it crisscrossed around the world, from colony to the metropole, giving the colonial masters an exclusive identity for themselves, whether they resided in the colonies or returned home to England.