Prof. Anna Rollins
Director of the Writing Center
Corbly Hall 340

The Marshall University Writing Center provides free tutoring services to Marshall students seeking help with writing assignments.

We’re located on the 2nd floor of Drinko library

Like us on Facebook and visit our blog for news about upcoming workshops as well as links and resources that may help improve your writing!

Students and tutors work one-on-one to understand assignments and read through drafts together. Students are encouraged to take an active role in the process by discussing concerns about their writing, asking questions, and making necessary changes to their drafts.

We specialize in helping students

  • Clarify writing assignments
  • Brainstorm and outline
  • Revise written drafts
  • Organize information effectively
  • Better understand grammar and punctuation
  • Learn to cite ethically and effectively

Making an appointment

Schedule an appointment at today, and select one of three ways to get help with your writing!

A typical session

During a Writing Center session, students work closely with tutors who help them to become more aware of their own writing process, recognize areas that can be improved, and build confidence in their abilities.

Because our limited computers are often reserved for online appointments, students should bring typed copies of their papers. Tutors and students may cover eight typed pages in a one-hour session; students with longer papers should expect to schedule multiple sessions.

The Writing Center upholds a three session per week maximum and requests that students contact us to cancel if they are unable to show.

Face-to-face sessions

All tutors offer face-to-face sessions to all Marshall students. Schedule an appointment online or stop by the second floor of Drinko library. Bring your assignment sheet, your paper, and a pen!

Online sessions

If you would rather work on your paper from home or in your dorm, schedule
an appointment with a tutor who offers online sessions. During your session time, you will be able to upload your paper and chat with your tutor. Your session will be saved—log back in to read your tutor’s advice at any time!

eTutor sessions

If you want to receive feedback that you can read on your own time, schedule an eTutoring appointment. You will be asked to upload your paper to the system. When a tutor finishes giving feedback, you will receive an email, and you can log back on to see your feedback.