Tuesday, 12 April 2016

The A. E. Stringer Visiting Writers Series welcomes poet and fiction writer Jeff Mann to Marshall on Tuesday, 12 April 2016. The reading will be held in the MSC Shawkey Room.

Jeff Mann has published five books of poetry, Bones Washed with Wine, On the Tongue, Ash: Poems from Norse Mythology, A Romantic Mann, and Rebels; two collections of personal essays, Edge: Travels of an Appalachian Leather Bear and Binding the God: Ursine Essays from the Mountain South; a book of poetry and memoir, Loving Mountains, Loving Men; four novels, Fog, Purgatory, Cub, and Salvation; and two volumes of short fiction, Desire and Devour: Stories of Blood and Sweat and A History of Barbed Wire.  The winner of two Lambda Literary Awards and three NLA-International awards, he teaches creative writing at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.



Thursday, 31 March 2016

The The A. E. Stringer Visiting Writers Series welcomes poets Heather Christle and Christopher DeWeese to Marshall on Thursday, 31 March 2016. The reading will be in the Drinko Library Atrium (3rd floor). Heather Christle is the author of What is AmazingThe Difficult Farm, and Heliopause. Christopher DeWeese is the author of The Father of the Arrow is the Thought and The Black Forest. Please join us!


Tuesday, 16 February 2016

The A. E. Stringer Visiting Writers Series welcomes fiction writer Tom Noyes to the Marshall campus on Tuesday, 16 February at 8:00 p.m. The reading will be held at the Marshall Student Center in BE4.

Tom Noyes is the author of Come Here: A Novella and Stories, as well as Spooky Action at a Distance and Other Stories, and Behold Faith and Other Stories.

Dan Chaon says that Noyes’s work is “wonderfully wry and compassionate, and, yes, spooky,” and the New York Times Book Review says that his stories are “dominated by macabre wit and startling confessions of frailty and delusion.”


Monday, 9 November 2015

The A. E. Stringer Visiting Writers Series will bring Kristen Iversen to the Marshall campus on Monday, 9 November at 8:00 p.m. The reading will be held at the Marshall Student Center in the Shawkey Room.

Kristen Iversen is the author of Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flates.

From Iversen’s author site:

“Full Body Burden is a haunting work of narrative nonfiction about a young woman, Kristen Iversen, growing up in a small Colorado town close to Rocky Flats, a secret nuclear weapons plant once designated “the most contaminated site in America.” It’s the story of a childhood and adolescence in the shadow of the Cold War, in a landscape at once startlingly beautiful and—unknown to those who lived there—tainted with invisible yet deadly particles of plutonium.

It’s also a book about the destructive power of secrets—both family and government. Her father’s hidden liquor bottles, the strange cancers in children in the neighborhood, the truth about what was made at Rocky Flats (cleaning supplies, her mother guessed)—best not to inquire too deeply into any of it.”


Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Please join us for our first Visiting Writers Series event of the 2015-2016 academic year.

The Visiting Writers Series Writers Harvest, featuring authors Rajia Hassib and Rachael Peckham, is Wednesday, 16 September at 8:00 p.m. in the Marshall University Foundation Hall (located at 519 John Marshall Drive, just off of 5th Avenue in Huntington).

This literary reading will support the Facing Hunger Food Bank, and we ask those attending to bring at least 2-3 nonperishable food items for donation. September is national Hunger Action Month.
