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Current University Health Issues

MU Student Health Services – provides health care services for acute illnesses to students.  Located on the second floor (Family Practice) of the Marshall Medical Center at Cabell Huntington Hospital.

MU Student Health Education Services – provides education, counseling and referral for a variety of health issues, as well as student health insurance plans.



    • Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): MRSA a type of staph bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics (methicillin) and cause skins and other infections. You can get MRSA through direct contact with an infected person’s wound drainage or by sharing contaminated personal items, such as towels or razors that have touched an infected wound.  If you or someone in your family experiences a wound with the signs and symptoms listed below, cover the area with a bandage and contact your healthcare professional.  It is especially important to contact your healthcare professional if the person also runs a fever. Most staph skin infections, including MRSA, first look like spider bites, bumps, or an infected area on the skin that may be:
      • Red
      • Swollen
      • Painful
      • Warm to the touch
      • Full of pus or other drainage
      • Accompanied by a fever

      The best defense is good hygiene. Keep your hands clean, wash with soap and warm water frequently. Use a barrier like clothing or towels between you and any surfaces you share with others (like gym equipment), and shower immediately after activities that involve direct skin contact with others. While widespread disinfection is not necessary because the bacteria is not spread unless there is direct contact with the wound or drainage from it, if equipment or surfaces become contaminated it is important to use disinfectant products labeled as effective against MRSA to clean.

      For more information visit the NIOSH “MRSA and the Workplace” web page, the CDC’s MRSA web page, or the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources’ MRSA web page.


  • Food Product Recall Information:Periodically food product recalls affect the population of the University. Current food product recalls are available on the web site.