These degrees provide sound preparation for:
- Doctoral studies in mathematics, statistics, finance, business, science, and engineering
- Careers in business, industry, finance, and actuarial fields
- Teaching at the secondary or post-secondary level
Courses are taught by the faculty of Mathematics. Our graduate faculty are active in research and have won many teaching awards.
A Hybrid M.A. degree program in Mathematics is also offered. In this program, students attend classes in real time, remotely, using computer software.
Each Graduate Studies option has specific Completion Requirements, which are described in the table below. Please choose the tab corresponding to the program of interest.

Master of Arts in Mathematics
The Master of Arts in Mathematics degree requires at least 36 approved credit hours.
Students must meet the following requirements:
- Earn credit in each of the following courses or receive an exemption:
- MTH 528 – Advanced Calculus 2
- STA 546 – Probability and Statistics 2
- MTH 552 – Modern Algebra 2
Students who have taken classes equivalent to MTH 528, STA 546, or MTH 552 may receive an exemption from the Assistant Chair for Graduate Studies. Students who do not have the necessary background for 500-level coursework may be required to take preparatory classes, which may require additional semesters of coursework.
- Earn at least 18 credit hours in MTH 600-level courses:
- Students may not count any credit hours of Independent Study.
- Students may count up to 3 credit hours of MTH 681 (Thesis).
- Write and defend a Master’s Thesis or pass a Comprehensive Oral Examination.
In addition to the above degree-specific requirements, graduates must meet the general graduation requirements of the Marshall University Graduate College, which are listed in the section “Graduation Requirements for Master’s Degree” of the Marshall University Graduate Catalog.

Typical Plan of Study
Students with sufficient preparation should expect to take four semesters to complete the degree, if the first semester of graduate study is in the fall.
1st Fall Semester
Course Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MTH 527 | Advanced Calculus 1 | 3 |
STA 545 | Probability and Statistics 1 | 3 |
MTH 550 | Modern Algebra 1 | 3 |
1st Spring Semester
Course Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MTH 528 | Advanced Calculus 2 | 3 |
STA 546 | Probability and Statistics 2 | 3 |
MTH 552 | Modern Algebra 2 | 3 |
2nd Fall Semester
Course Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MTH 6XX or STA 6XX | 600-level Mathematics or Statistics Course | 3 |
MTH 6XX or STA 6XX | 600-level Mathematics or Statistics Course | 3 |
MTH 6XX or STA 6XX | 600-level Mathematics or Statistics Course | 3 |
2nd Spring Semester
Course Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MTH 6XX or STA 6XX | 600-level Mathematics or Statistics Course | 3 |
MTH 6XX or STA 6XX | 600-level Mathematics or Statistics Course | 3 |
MTH 681 or MTH 6XX | Thesis (optional) or 600-level Mathematics or Statistics Course | 3 |
Thesis or Comprehensive Oral Examination
Students have the option of writing and defending a Master’s Thesis, or taking a Comprehensive Oral Examination.
- Students writing a thesis may include up to 6 credit hours of MTH 681 (Thesis) towards their 36 hours of MTH coursework. However, MTH 681 may only be used to satisfy up to 3 credit hours of the 18 credit hours of MTH 600-level coursework required.
- Students who choose to take the Comprehensive Oral Examination will select three graduate courses at the MTH 600-level to demonstrate a depth of knowledge in those areas of mathematics. With the approval of the Assistant Chair for Graduate Studies the student will select a committee of three faculty members who will examine the student on the selected courses.
Graduate Area of Emphasis in Statistics
The Area of Emphasis in Statistics is an optional addition to the Masters of Arts in Mathematics degree. To earn the Area of Emphasis in Statistics a student must satisfy the requirements for the Masters of Arts in Mathematics as well as the following additional requirements:
- Earn credit for STA 661 (Advanced Mathematical Statistics) and STA 662 (Multivariate Mathematical Statistics). These courses may be counted towards the 18 hours of 600-level coursework required for the Master of Arts requirements.
- Earn credit for at least 12 credit hours of mathematics coursework at the 500-level or higher, not including probability and statistics courses.
- Write and defend an acceptable Thesis in the area of probability or statistics, or pass a Comprehensive Oral Examination.
- A student choosing to write a Thesis must take no fewer than 15 credit hours not including Thesis and Independent Study in probability or statistics courses.
- A student opting for the Comprehensive Oral Examination must take no fewer than 18 credit hours not including Independent Study in probability or statistics courses.
Graduate Minor in Mathematics
Mathematics offers a Graduate Minor in Mathematics for students majoring in other subjects. This minor is earned by taking at least 6 credit hours at the 500-level or higher in Mathematics; as approved by the student’s advisor and the Assistant Chair for Graduate Studies.
This page is an unofficial summary of degree requirements. The official requirements are described in the most current Graduate Catalog. Students should consult their advisor when deciding on a plan of study.
Graduate Area of Emphasis in Mathematics through Algebra I
An area of emphasis in Mathematics through Algebra I is offered by the M.A. degree programs in Elementary Education and Secondary Education. These programs, which are offered through the College of Education and Professional Development, are specifically intended to meet the needs of public school teachers (K-12).
Contact us regarding Mathematics Graduate Degrees

Graduate Coordinator & Associate Professor
Location: SH 717
Telephone: 304-696-3285