Careers in Math

A degree in Mathematics teaches you how to think critically, analyze problems logically, and create rigorous arguments to back up your positions. These skills are highly sought after by employers in many areas.

Common career paths in mathematics include:

  • Teaching at the K-12 or Community College level
  • University Research and Teaching
  • Actuarial Science
  • Statistician
  • Computer Science
  • Finance
  • Data Scientist

A Mathematics Degree can also be good preparation for a Master’s in Business Administration degree.


Resources for Mathematics Careers

The American Mathematical Society (AMS) career resources

Mathematical Association of America (MAA) career resources

Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) career resources

American Statistical Association (ASA) career resources

Be an Actuary From the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society


Contact Us

Department of Mathematics & Physics

Office: Smith Hall 523

Office Hours: Mon – Fri, 8:00am – 4:30pm


Phone: 304-696-6482

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Math Honor Society

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