Banned Books 2019 – Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress

Marshall University does not ban books! The information is provided to let people know what has been banned/challenged elsewhere.


This was one of four books challenged by public petition in Orange City’s (IA) public library. The concern articulated by a coalition of conservative and evangelical community members was that the library was distributing LGBTQIA+ materials to pre-K kids using tax dollars. The coalition requested that the books be shelved separately, segregated from other library materials. One local religious activist checked out the four books, then burned them live on Facebook. Since then, over 200 books were donated to the library, and GoFundMe and Facebook fundraisers raised thousands of dollars to replace damaged materials. All the titles have been retained. The activist was charged with criminal misdemeanor mischief.


Challenged, but retained at the Forest Hills Public School District in Ada Township (MI), despite a parent’s concern that the “book is not just talking about accepting another viewpoint, it’s promoting another life.” The children’s book is about a boy who likes to wear dresses to school.

On These Pages

A Banned book has been removed from a library, classroom, etc.
A Challenged book has been requested to be removed from a library, classroom, etc.

For additional information contact

Ron Titus,

Last updated

June 27, 2019