Data Classification: | Government Classified |
Risk from Disclosure: | High |
Description: | Data for which an unauthorized disclosure is expected to have a severe or catastrophic effect on Marshall’s operations, assets or individuals. |
Examples: | Social Security Number | Credit Card Number | Drivers license Number | Electronic Protected Health Information | Credentials |
Data Classification: | Protected |
Risk from Disclosure: | Moderate |
Description: | Data for which unauthorized release is expected to have serious adverse effect on Marshall’s operations, assets or individuals. |
Examples: | Educational Records as defined by FERPA | Passport Data | University Intellectual Property | Human Resource Data | Protected Data related to research (IRB) | University Financial Information |
Data Classification: | Non-Public |
Risk from Disclosure: | Low |
Description: | Data for which an unauthorized disclosure is expected to have limited effect on operations, assets or individuals. |
Examples: | University ID Number | MUnet ID | Any University data not otherwise categorized |
Data Classification: | Public |
Risk from Disclosure: | None |
Description: | All public data |
Examples: | General access data from the university website, press releases, and other public sources. |
Special Considerations: The classification table only provides general guidance on the minimum level of risk for a data category. External regulations, contracts and/or use cases may increase the level of risk and thus categorization.