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We Are… IT! Feature Friday – Azyn Chahryar


Azyn Chahryar

Office Administrator

What degrees do you hold?

BBA – Management Information Systems – Marshall University

Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less:

Lots of paperwork, plan IT events, graphic design, and photography

Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU:

The people are awesome! I’ve made some great friends working here. I also love working on campus! It is so lively

all of the time and there’s always something going on. So fun!

Favorite Restaurant in Huntington/Charleston area:

Laury’s is my family’s restaurant in Charleston, so I may be partial to it BUT it’s delicious! & Christopher’s Eats! They have the most amazing brunch.

Favorite Vacay Spot:

I like literally any beach. If I am by a body of water, especially the ocean, I am in my happy place. However, Hawaii has been my favorite vacation I’ve ever been on. It is so beautiful there with so much to do!

Who inspires you?:

My whole family. I am an only child and a first-gen American, so my family, our traditions, and how hard they worked for us mean everything to me. I aspire to be as successful in my relationships, career, and personal life as they all are.

Currently Watching/Binging:

Some recent shows I’ve been hooked on are The Good Place, Black Mirror, and Impractical Jokers. However, I will never turn down some reruns of Grey’s Anatomy, Law & Order: SVU, or Friends.

Best concert you’ve ever attended?:

Oh man, this is a hard one. I have been to so many amazing shows! I would have to say Dolly Parton at the Grand Ole Opry. Or Sam Hunt!

Something you can’t live without?:

My friends! We always joke that we all have FOMO (fear of missing out) because we hate to spend a single day apart.

Most adventurous thing you’ve done?:

Very recently, my friends convinced me to go white-water rafting. That was very scary to me, until I stepped on the boat. It turned out to be amazing and I can’t wait to go again!

Coolest thing you’re currently working on?:

Building an app. My best friend and I came up with a great idea for one, and we are currently in our planning stages.


I love playing the piano, taking my kayak out on the lake, and traveling the state’s best spots!



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