Maier Latin Sight Translation Governing Regulations


Marshall University Classical Studies

24 January 2025


Salvete, Magistrae Magistrique!


We at Marshall University are happy to announce the Maier Latin Sight Translation Contest for 2025. The deadline for applications is Friday, 14 February 2025. We have a web-portal through which you can submit all your information at You may also scan and email the attached forms to If you would like a Word copy of the form, email me at that address. If you want to use USPS, the mailing address is at the bottom of the forms

We will send out the tests on 17 February by mail and also by email (if email address is provided). Tests must be returned to Marshall by Friday, 14 March 2025. Tests may also be scanned and emailed to the address above.  Winners will be announced Monday, 17 March 2025, and the winners will be celebrated at a live ceremony on Tuesday, 22 April 2025 at in Foundation Hall at Marshall University. Winners will receive an Independent Contract Agreement and checks will be mailed in May.

One special note: Thanks to the diligence of the Marshall Foundation, the endowment agreement has been edited so that we can once again help defray the costs of families that want to come to the awards ceremony.


          Here are the rules for the contest:


  1. Winners of this contest will be determined by their performance on a sight-translation examination to be offered in Latin I, Latin II, Latin III and Latin IV.
  2. Each junior high and high school represented will be allowed to select one student to compete at each level.
  3. Names of students competing must be sent to Marshall’s Department of Classics by 14 February 2025. Use the online portal noted above or the attached form.
  4. A first prize of $300, a second prize of $200 and a third prize of $100 will be awarded in each of the levels in Latin I, II, III and IV.
  5. Students will be honored at the annual Maier Awards Ceremony that will be held on Tuesday, 22 April 2025. Students do not have to be present at the ceremony to receive their award.
  6. Please note that no outside aids are to be used during tests.

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