Want to help out?
Due to the shortfall created by decreased state funding and rising inflation, the Department of Classics could use your gift. Donations to our operating budget are always welcome, and will go towards the daily operations of the department as well as the various lectures we undertake each year and necessary tools, like our departmental membership in the Classical Association of the Middle West and South or our subscription to L’Annee Philologique. If you would like to contribute to our general fund, please mail your check (made out the Marshall University Foundation) to:
Marshall University Foundation, Inc
519 John Marshall Dr.
Huntington, WV 25703
Be sure to write “Department of Classics” on the memo-line, so they know where to earmark the funds.
The Department of Classics also needs your help for special, specific gifts that will directly help the students. Would you like to contribute something with your name on it that will be used immediately? Here are some items that you can sponsor.
- membership in a professional organization for a student ($25-50)
- books for the library ($100-$150/each)
- The Department of Classics is acquiring bookplates for the books we donate to the library, your name will be on the “Sponsored by” line.
- a paper prize for best Classics paper written in a year ($250)
- a paper prize for best Classics paper delivered at the College of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference ($250)
- the reception after the Eta Sigma Phi lecture in the Spring ($300)
- travel money for students to deliver a paper at a regional or national conference ($500)
- a lecture from a border-state university scholar ($500)
- A new chalkboard for the Classics Seminar Room ($800)
- a lecture from a national scholar ($1000)
- a one-time scholarship ($1000-2000)
To sponsor one of these one-time gifts, please make your check out to the MUFoundation, write “Classics” on the subject line, and attach it to a note that says for what specific item(s) you are donating. Send the check to:
Marshall University Foundation, Inc
519 John Marshall Dr.
Huntington, WV 25703
Also, please drop me a line at chrol@marshall.edu letting me know that you did, and I’ll keep an eye out for your gift.
Thank you, and i armenta! (Go Herd!)
Dr. E.Del Chrol
Chair, Department of Humanities