Program Outcomes and Rubrics


Students Will: Students will be able to interpret and create discourse with attention to topic, argument, counter-argument, perspective, and literary elements.

Trait Introductory Milestone Capstone Advanced
Topic Student accurately identifies topic (own or others’) Student consistently identifies topic (own or others’) Student accurately and consistently identifies topic (own or others’) despite complexity of topic or of context n/a
Argument Student accurately identifies or relevantly produces argument Student accurately identifies or relevantly produces connected arguments Student accurately identifies or refers to (in own production) relevant argumentation despite complexity of topic or of context n/a
Counter-Argument Student accurately identifies or relevantly produces counter-argument Student accurately identifies or relevantly produces connected counter-arguments Student accurately identifies or refers to (in own production) relevant counter-argumentation despite complexity of topic or of context n/a
Perspective Student accurately identifies shift in perspective: for example, in assumptions, value-commitments, or organizing categories Student accurately identifies how different elements connect in the working of the perspective Student accurately identifies how a variety of elements connect in the working of the perspective despite complexity of topic or of context n/a
Literary Elements Student accurately identifies or employs differences in literary elements like style or genre, and identifies or employs some contributions they make to function Student accurately identifies or employs connections among elements, and identifies or employs some contributions these connections make to function Student accurately identifies or employs connections among stylistic elements, and identifies or employs some contributions they make to function, despite complexity of topic or of context n/a

Students Will: Students will be able to describe discourse, practices, or institutions from the viewpoint of different perspectives, including these discourses’, practices’, or institutions’ own, and to do so with attention to the different context, sense, validity, and function of each of these perspectives.

Trait Introductory Milestone Capstone Advanced
Context Student accurately identifies contexts of different discourses/practices/institutions (own and others) Student consistently identifies contexts of different discourses/practices/institutions (own and others) Student accurately and consistently identifies contexts of different discourses/practices/institutions (own and others) despite complexity of topic n/a
Sense Student accurately identifies an aspect of the sense and meaning of different discourses/practices/institutions (own or others’) according to their own internal sense criteria Student consistently identifies an aspect of the sense and meaning of different discourses/practices/institutions (own or other’s) according to their own internal sense criteria Student accurately and consistently identifies an aspect of the sense and meaning of different discourses/practices/institutions (own or others’) according to their own internal sense criteria despite complexity of topic or of context n/a
Validity Student accurately identifies a portion of the logic or rules of connection by which different elements of the different discourses/practices/institutions (own or others’) are intelligibly connected Student accurately identifies and evaluates the coherence or consistency of a portion of the logic or rules of connection by which different elements of the different discourses/practices/institutions (own or others’) are intelligibly connected Student accurately identifies and evaluates the coherence or consistency of a portion of the logic or rules of connection by which different elements of the different discourses/practices/institutions (own or others’) are intelligibly connected, despite complexity of topic or of context n/a
Function Student accurately identifies some of the functions of different discourses/practices/institutions (own and others) Student consistently identifies some of the functions of different discourses/practices/institutions (own and others) Student accurately and consistently identifies some of the functions of different discourses/practices/institutions (own and others) despite complexity of topic or of context n/a

Students Will: Students will be able to analyze multicultural discourses, practices, or institutions as windows to the nature of their authors, inhabitants, and audiences.

Trait Introductory Milestone Capstone Advanced
Authors/ Inhabitants Student plausibly infers, from discourses/practices/institutions, isolated individual or social characteristics of authors of discourses or inhabitants of practices/institutions Student plausibly infers, from discourses/practices/institutions, some connections between individual or social characteristics of authors of discourses or inhabitants of practices/institutions Student plausibly infers, from discourses/practices/institutions, some connections between individual or social characteristics of authors of discourses or inhabitants of practices/institutions despite complexity of structure or context n/a
Audiences Student plausibly infers, from their own or other contemporary or historical audiences’ modes of analyzing discourses/practices/institutions, isolated individual or social characteristics of these audiences Student plausibly infers, from their own or other contemporary or historical audiences’ modes of analyzing discourses/practices/institutions, some connections between individual or social characteristics of these audiences Student plausibly infers, from their own or other contemporary or historical audiences’ modes of analyzing discourses/practices/institutions, some connections between individual or social characteristics of these audiences despite complexity of structure or context n/a

Students Will: Students will be able to employ the various field-specific humanities skills and tools in research, exposition, and ongoing communicative interaction.

Trait Introductory Milestone Capstone Advanced
Research Student consistently applies field specific skills and tools to a simple research topic Student consistently and critically applies field specific skills and tools to a simple research topic Student consistently and critically applies field specific skills and tools to a complex research topic n/a
Exposition Student communicates field specific material with some basic attention to expository factors like context, audience, and relevant background information Student communicates field specific material with consistent attention to expository factors like context, audience, and relevant background information Student communicates field specific material with consistent and flexible attention to expository factors like context, audience, and relevant background information n/a
Ongoing Communicative Interaction Student makes accurate use of field-specific resources like terminology, concepts, and methodological tools in raising questions and providing responses Student makes accurate and consistent use of field-specific resources like terminology, concepts, and methods of approach in raising questions and providing responses Student makes accurate and consistent use of field-specific resources like terminology, concepts, and methods of approach in raising questions and providing responses, despite complexity of topic or of context n/a


Lumina Latin BA outcomes
Demonstrates facility with reading and translating Latin language and literature.

Beginning Developing Proficient Exemplary
Word choice Student looks up word forms as presented in a Latin text in lexicon Student looks up appropriate verbal or nominal stem in dictionary Student looks up appropriate verbal or nominal stem in dictionary and finds appropriate word for context Student looks up appropriate verbal or nominal stem in dictionary and finds appropriate word for context after considering genre and time period of other definitions
Latin Grammar Student sometimes recognizes grammatical forms of but may confuse similar morphology in different parts of speech Student frequently recognizes grammatical forms, and sometimes recognizes clause-length grammatical constructions Student correctly recognizes grammatical forms and clause-length grammatical constructions Student correctly recognizes grammatical forms and clause-length grammatical constructions and can correctly state an author’s preferred constructions
English grammar Student produces translations that mirror the Latin word order and/or students improperly adduce translations by assuming a Latin author follows a English word order Student produces translations that frequently suit English word order while reflecting the underlying Latin grammar Student produces translations that suit English word order while reflecting the underlying Latin grammar Student produces flowing translations that reflect the Latin word order while conveying the concepts of the passage in idiomatically and semantically appropriate English
Comprehension Student sometimes articulates the point of a sentence Student frequently articulates the point of a sentence and sometimes articulates the point of a passage Student articulates the point of a sentence and frequently articulates the point of a passage Student articulates the point of a passage and draws connections between syntactic and thematic similarities throughout the passage.

Produces nuanced and sensitive interpretations of Latin language and literature with respect to cultural, literary and historical contexts.

Beginning Developing Proficient Exemplary
Issues Under direction of the instructor,  student sometimes spots cultural, literary, or historical contexts for a passage With the assistance of a commentary, students frequently spots sometimes spots cultural, literary, or historical contexts for a passage Student frequently spots cultural, literary, or historical contexts for a passage Student articulates the implications of cultural, literary, or historical contexts for a passage
Research Student looks in a single source for information regarding  cultural, literary, or historical contexts for a passage Student looks in a multiple sources for information regarding  cultural, literary, or historical contexts for a passage Student looks in multiple professional sources for information and presents their findings regarding  cultural, literary, or historical contexts for a passage Student looks in multiple professional sources and is able to synthesize the findings into a coherent picture regarding the for information regarding  cultural, literary, or historical contexts for a passage
Organization Student generates a one-two sentence summary of a single cultural, literary, and historical context of a passage within an oral or written interpretation of a passage Student generates paragraph length summary of a multiple cultural, literary, and historical contexts of a passage within an oral or written interpretation of a passage Student generates thesis paper interpreting a passage, including  multiple cultural, literary, and historical contexts of a passage Student generates thesis paper interpreting a passage, including  multiple cultural, literary, and historical contexts of a passage and the interconnections between these issues and issues or texts not covered in class.

Effectively read aloud Latin poetry and prose with respect to pronunciation and inflection.

Beginning Developing Proficient Exemplary
Pronunciation Student sometimes reads with appropriate consonant, vowel, diphthong, and accent production Student often reads with appropriate consonant, vowel, diphthong, and accent production Student usually reads with appropriate consonant, vowel, diphthong, and accent production Student always reads with appropriate consonant, vowel, diphthong, and accent production
Inflection Student reads with attention to the flow of a clause and the ending punctuation of the sentence Student reads with attention to the flow of the sentence. Student reads with attention to flow of the sentence, paragraph, and section; rhythm and inflection conveys meaning and structure Student reads with attention to flow of the sentence, paragraph, and section; rhythm and inflection conveys meaning and structure as well as appropriate emotional and intellectual content

Communicate effectively in speech.

Beginning Developing Proficient Exemplary
Structure Delivers remarks that contain many different ideas, some pertinent to the point at hand Delivers remarks that contain many different ideas, most pertinent to the point at hand Delivers remarks with ideas pertinent to the point at hand that are structured to flow in a logical fashion Delivers concise remarks organized to respond to the point at hand efficiently and effectively
Inflection Student reads with attention to the flow of the sentence. Student reads with attention to flow of the sentence, paragraph, and section; rhythm and inflection conveys meaning and structure Student reads with attention to flow of the sentence, paragraph, and section; rhythm and inflection conveys meaning and structure as well as appropriate emotional and intellectual content Student reads with attention to flow of the sentence, paragraph, and section; rhythm and inflection conveys meaning and structure as well as appropriate emotional and intellectual content.  Student no longer sounds as if student is reading a paper
Visual aids Student produces a handout or display (PowerPoint/prezi/poster) containing information relevant to the topic at hand Student produces a handout or display (PowerPoint/prezi/poster) containing all information relevant to the topic at hand Student produces a handout or display (PowerPoint/prezi/poster) containing all information relevant to the topic at hand and integrates the information into the presentation Student produces a handout or display (PowerPoint/prezi/poster) containing all information relevant to the topic at hand and integrates the information into the presentation efficiently and effectively.
Extemporaneity Responds to questions asked with some relevant information Responds to questions asked with only relevant information Structures a response with relevant information organized to effectively answer the question Structures a response with relevant information organized to effectively answer the question in the most succinct fashion
Actio Student presents material audibly Student presents material with little to no halting to the voice, using infrequent eye contact and hand gestures Student presents the material in a fluid and lively way, maintaining eye contact, utilizing good hand gestures Student presents the material in a fluid and lively way, maintaining eye contact, utilizing good hand gestures and speaks with little dependence on the text

Articulate the connections between language and culture, identify language and literature as the expression of ancient and modern cultural values and norms.

Beginning Developing Proficient Exemplary
Evidence Student can define different genres of literature and types of evidence (literary, material, epigraphic, etc.) Articulates differences in types of evidence (literary, material) and how the generic differences contribute to meaning Articulates differences in types of evidence (literary, material) and how the generic differences contribute to meaning, and can list different scholarly theories regarding the effect of differences to meaning Articulates differences in types of evidence (literary, material) and how the generic differences contribute to meaning, and can list different scholarly theories regarding the effect of differences to meaning, synthesizes the above to create own hypotheses.
Cultural specificity Identifies the differences between one ancient and modern cultural norm and hypothesizes how the difference works in the modern world. Identifies the differences between ancient and modern cultural norms and how specific ideas work in specific cultures Identifies the differences between ancient and modern cultural norms and how specific ideas work in specific cultures, and hypothesizes whether there are connections between the two cultures Identifies the differences between ancient and modern cultural norms and how specific ideas work in specific cultures, hypothesizes whether there are connections between the two cultures, articulates some scholarly opinions about the above
Literary reflection Identifies an element of an literary product that reflects a cultural facet Identifies multiple elements of an literary product that reflect cultural facets Identifies multiple elements of an literary product that reflect cultural facets and presents a scholarly opinion regarding the above Identifies multiple elements of an literary product that reflect cultural facets presents a scholarly opinion regarding the above, and synthesizes the above to create own opinion
Literary inflection Articulates how an element of a literary product of an individual author may change a culture Articulates how many elements of literary products of an individual author may change a culture Articulates how many elements of literary products of an individual author may change a culture and presents a scholarly opinion regarding the above Articulates how many elements of literary products of an individual author may change a culture and presents a scholarly opinion regarding the above  and synthesizes the above to create own opinion

Exploits technological skills that will enhance the learning and teaching experience.

Beginning Developing Proficient Exemplary
Research Identifies multiple online resources and databases that may be used in research Identifies multiple online resources and databases that may be used in research and articulates the strengths and weaknesses of those sources Identifies multiple online resources and databases that may be used in research and articulates the strengths and weaknesses of those sources and incorporates information from those sources in research Identifies multiple online resources and databases that may be used in research and articulates the strengths and weaknesses of those sources and incorporates the best information from those sources in research
Production Produces typed papers with few errors of formatting and style Produces typed papers with no errors of formatting and style Produces typed papers that accord with style sheets Produces typed papers that accord with style sheets and all conventions of Classics in relation to citation, ancient and modern text.

Lumina MA outcomes
Read Latin from a variety of eras respecting grammar, voice and context

Proficient Professional Exemplary
Grammar Student nearly always recognizes grammatical forms and clause-length grammatical constructions Student correctly recognizes grammatical forms and clause-length grammatical constructions and can correctly state an author’s preferred constructions Student correctly recognizes grammatical forms and clause-length grammatical constructions and can correctly state an author’s preferred constructions as well as articulate the causes for that preference
Context Student ties the grammatical, stylistic and thematic features of a passage to its context and to the work as a whole Student ties the grammatical, stylistic and thematic features of a passage to its context and to the work as a whole as well as to other works by the same author or genre. Student ties the grammatical, stylistic and thematic features of a passage to its context and to the work as a whole as well as to other works by the same author or genre.  Student is able to articulate the continuities and differences of these features to other authors or genres
Genre Student nearly always recognizes generic features in a passage Student always recognizes generic features in a passage Student recognizes generic features in a passage, produces analogues of these features in other authors and accurately identifies continuities and discontinuities with the parallel sections
History Student demonstrates competence in reading authors of one time period Student demonstrates competence in reading authors of multiple time periods Student demonstrates competence in reading authors of multiple time periods and articulates causes for the differences between them

Write papers that have adequate resource to secondary scholarship, proper translation, and fullness of argument

Proficient Professional Exemplary
Division of the issue Student identifies a constellation of issues that pertain to a thesis Student identifies the most important issues that pertain to a thesis Student produces a paper that only treats the most important issues that pertain to a thesis
Secondary Scholarship Student canvasses a variety of sources that pertain to a thesis Student incorporates a variety of sources that pertain to a thesis Student articulates the positions of various scholars that pertain to a thesis and articulates how the thesis stands in distinction to those positions
Translation Student produces predominantly error-free grammatically accurate translations of the passages in a paper Student produces error-free grammatically accurate translations of the passages in a paper Student produces error-free, grammatically accurate, aesthetically pleasing  translations of the passages in a paper
Shape Student covers a range of issues in a paper, and paragraphs are structured to present evidence in a good light Student marshals the issues in a paper to thoroughly cover a topic and produce a sense of build.  Student also produces paragraphs that are structured to present the core idea and evidence in the best light. Student marshals the issues in a paper to thoroughly cover a topic and produce a sense of build with no extraneous data or argumentation.  Student also produces paragraphs that are structured to present the core idea and evidence in the best light.
Form Student often correctly formats a paper with respect to discipline specific guidelines. Student correctly formats a paper with respect to discipline specific guidelines. Student correctly formats a paper with respect to discipline specific guidelines with no extraneous elements.

Articulate differences and explain implications of artistic and generic styles as well as the influence of history in a text

Proficient Professional Exemplary`
Evidence Articulates differences in types of evidence (literary, material) and how the generic differences contribute to meaning Articulates differences in types of evidence (literary, material) and how the generic differences contribute to meaning, and can list different scholarly theories regarding the effect of differences to meaning Articulates differences in types of evidence (literary, material) and how the generic differences contribute to meaning, and can list different scholarly theories regarding the effect of differences to meaning, synthesizes the above to create own hypotheses.
Cultural specificity Identifies the differences between ancient and modern cultural norms and how specific ideas work in specific cultures Identifies the differences between ancient and modern cultural norms and how specific ideas work in specific cultures, and hypothesizes whether there are connections between the two cultures Identifies the differences between ancient and modern cultural norms and how specific ideas work in specific cultures, hypothesizes whether there are connections between the two cultures, articulates some scholarly opinions about the above
Literary reflection Identifies multiple elements of an literary product that reflect cultural facets Identifies multiple elements of an literary product that reflect cultural facets and presents a scholarly opinion regarding the above Identifies multiple elements of an literary product that reflect cultural facets presents a scholarly opinion regarding the above, and synthesizes the above to create own opinion
Literary inflection Articulates how many elements of literary products of an individual author may change a culture Articulates how many elements of literary products of an individual author may change a culture and presents a scholarly opinion regarding the above Articulates how many elements of literary products of an individual author may change a culture and presents a scholarly opinion regarding the above  and synthesizes the above to create own opinion

Articulate and explain the implications of a range of theoretical models and their implications for analysis

Proficient Professional Exemplary
Awareness Lists different theoretical models used by Classical scholars Lists different theoretical models used by Classical scholars, identifies strengths and weaknesses for each; can articulate the history of a model. Lists different theoretical models used by Classical scholars, identifies strengths and weaknesses for each; can articulate the history of a model. Identifies which model is used in an article or book
Deployment Presents different theoretical models in a paper Presents different theoretical models in a paper and chooses one to deploy in the work Presents different theoretical models in a paper and chooses one to deploy in the work, advances the model with new evidence.

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