Maier Latin Portal

Welcome to the informational site for the Maier Latin Awards



For the past 43 years, the Maier Foundation has graciously funded the Maier Latin Cup Awards Competition, which is administered by the Department of Classics at Marshall University. These awards have three purposes: 1) celebrating publicly the best high-school Latin students in the state of West Virginia, 2) recognizing the effective teaching being carried out by high school Latin teachers in the state in a difficult academic subject, and 3) emphasizing the importance of Latin and Roman Studies in the current curriculum in secondary education. As far as can be ascertained, this contest is unique among Classics departments across the country.
The Maier Latin Cup Awards were established by William J. Maier, Jr., in 1979 to repay in some way the special attention his Latin teacher at Huntington High School showed him, for it was this extra devotion to Latin and Latin students on the part of his teacher that helped him secure a scholarship to Harvard University. Each high school that offers Latin in the state, public as well as private, is encouraged to select two students currently enrolled in Second-Year Latin to take the CAMWS Intermediate Translation Exam in the fall of each year. Upon the basis of scores earned on this test, cash prizes are awarded to three place-holders. The first-place winner receives the additional honor of having his/her name engraved on the Marshall University Latin Cup, displayed the following academic year at the winner’s high school, and these names are posted in perpetuity in the Classics Seminar Room.

Governing Regulations

Teachers should take special note of the following:

  • Each school may select up to two (2) students to enter the competition. Only currently enrolled second-year Latin students are eligible; no third- or fourth-year students are eligible.
  • The teacher must register their students at and select the Intermediate test and Individual CAMWS Member. The deadline for registration with CAMWS is October 31, 2024.
  • The teacher must also submit the names and addresses of the nominees to the Department of Humanities (Classics) at Marshall University on the form enclosed or on by November 15, 2024.

Students should take special note of the following:

  • Winners are encouraged to attend the awards ceremony on April 22nd, 2025 at 2 pm at Marshall to receive their check and, in the top winner’s case, a trophy.

Please let us know if there are any questions.

Electronic Application Form



The Maier Latin Sight-Translation Contest was created in 1992. Students from each of the four levels of Latin secondary instruction compete by translating at sight passages of Latin appropriate to their levels of instruction. Each high school may select one student to compete at each level. Winners are determined on the basis of fluency and accuracy.

Governing Regulations
Electronic Application Form



I. ELIGIBILITY: Any student enrolled in Latin 204 or higher level of Latin at Marshall University with the declared intention of majoring in Latin at Marshall University. Students who have demonstrated success in Latin courses are especially encouraged to apply. Those seeking a second B.A. degree from Marshall or who have already been graduated but are working toward teaching certification in Latin are also eligible to apply.

II. AMOUNT OF SCHOLARSHIP: The total amount will be $3,000: $1,500 to be paid at the beginning of the fall semester and $1,500 at the beginning of the spring semester, providing the student earns at least a B in the fall semester advanced Latin and otherwise remains eligible for the scholarship.

III. SELECTION COMMITTEE: The faculty of the Department of Classics at Marshall in consultation with the Admissions personnel at Marshall.

IV. APPLICATION: Each applicant must submit the following materials:

• a brief essay (approximately 250 words) which explains the applicant’s reasons for majoring in Latin and future academic and professional plans;

• a current, official copy of the applicant’s Marshall transcript and of any transcript from any other college/university at which the applicant studied Latin;

• the application form (below) completed by the applicant.

V. APPLICATION DATE: All materials listed above must be sent to Dr. E.Del Chrol, Chair, Department of Classics, Marshall University, Huntington, WV 25755 and must be received by 15 March 2025. Scanned materials may be sent to

Application Form PDF

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