Classification & Compensation Model

Marshall University recognizes that competitive compensation is the cornerstone for recruiting, retaining, and motivating our employees. To this end, the University’s compensation philosophy is to pay all categories of employees at competitive levels established by external labor markets, considering both salary and benefits as a total compensation package.

Compensation programs must meet the following objectives:

  • establish pay levels for positions on the basis of their external competitiveness with relevant labor markets and their relative internal value
  • regularly reward employees on the basis of work performance
  • administer pay equitably and consistently
  • establish a compensation policy that is consistent with the management and allocation of funds entrusted by the University
  • maximize the effectiveness of compensation funding based on recruiting, retention, and employee motivational outcomes
  • ensure accountability for compliance with the all BOG/University policies and procedures and statutory requirements

Disclaimer: This web page is being used to share and communicate pending compensation changes with staff at Marshall University.  While some changes and been approved and implemented, we are still working to finalize other parts of this compensation model.  For this reason, portions of this web page are considered to be in “draft” form.  Please direct all questions and comments concerning information on this web page to our Feedback Form.

Characteristic Old Pay System Current Pay System
Allow Flexibility to Move within Salary Range X
Competitive Pay Structure X
Job Duties Based on Master Job Description X
Market Based Salaries X
New Employee Salaries Based on Job, Education, and Experience Requirements, Level of Expertise X
New Employee Starts at Entry Level X
Pay Increases Based Soley on Seniority X
Performance Influence Pay Increases X
Provide Framework for Career Progression X
Submit PIQ for Possible Pay Increase X
Uses Point Factor Methodology to Determine Classification X

Master Classification Specification – General description of the collective type and kind of work performed by the majority of employees assigned the same job classification. Each master specification will contain a job title, nature of work performed, distinguishing characteristics of the job, and a general description of typical duties and responsibilities performed by positions assigned the title, regardless of the location of the position.  It will also include the required education and experience required for the position.

Please note that this page is still under construction and not all job specifications are listed. The documents are now listed on the MyMU Site. You can access them at the direct link below or you can access them on the MyMU site under Forms and Resources Self-Service section. 

 Compensation 101 Training with Rachel Eckelberry
  • Training Overview:
    This training will provide a general understanding of compensation structures, terminology, industry practices, knowledge pertaining to a market based salary system. PLEASE NOTE: This training will not explain the details of the new classified staff salary system; however, it will lay the foundation on which the methodology is derived.  Detailed training on the new classified staff salary system will be rolled out early fall semester 2019.
  • Target Audience:
    Classified Staff, Supervisors of all Staff, and anyone wanting some general knowledge on market based compensation.
  • What will you learn about in this training?
    • Direct vs. Indirect Compensation
    • Exempt vs Nonexempt Employment
    • Objectives of Market-Based Compensation
    • Job Description and Pay grade evaluation
    • Salary Structures

Office of the Obmuds

Marshall University’s Office of the Ombuds helps faculty and staff navigate processes and/or conflicts experienced  in the work environment.  Contact or schedule an appointment at:

Memorial Student Center BW14
(Walk-Ins Welcome)

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One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
304-696-6455 (Main)
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