Academic Integrity and Appeals

Academic integrity is a core principle of the university. As described in the Marshall University Creed, Marshall University is an “Ethical Community reflecting honesty, integrity and fairness in both academic and extracurricular activities.” The Academic Dishonesty policy can be viewed in the most recent Graduate Catalog.

When a professor believes that an act of academic dishonesty has been committed, the professor notifies the Office of Academic Affairs with a description of the charges and the sanction that was given.

Graduate students have a higher level of responsibility for academic honesty, and the penalties for academic dishonesty are higher accordingly. The second charge of academic dishonesty for a graduate student, across all classes at the university, will lead to a letter of dismissal from the Academic Affairs office.

Students who are charged with academic dishonesty have the right to appeal, following the university appeal process. Students may also appeal final course grades. The following information describes the key aspects of the appeals process.


Marshall Policy allows graduate students to appeal charges of academic dishonesty, dismissal from a program, final grades, and other matters. The specific procedures depend on the specific kind of appeal. One set of procedures applied to dismissal, academic integrity, or other actions related to performance in a graduate program. The second set of procedures is for the final grade in a graduate course.

Marshall’s Student Advocate

Students should contact the Office of Student Advocacy for guidance about academic appeals. The Student Advocate can explain Marshall’s processes and give advice on how to present an appeal most effectively. Students may also please contact the Graduate Studies office.

Performance appeals: Dismissal or Academic Dishonesty

Performance appeals include appeals related to academic dishonesty or dismissal from a program. For information about these appeals, please see Principles and Best Practices For Appeals of Academic Dishonesty, Dismissal From a Program, or Both.

Performance Appeal Form

Course grade appeals

For information on appealing a final course grade, please see the Graduate Catalog and Graduate Level Course Grade Appeals.

Course Grade Appeal Form

Other complaints and reports

For Title IX complaints, complaints about faculty, departments, programs, or student organizations, or any reports about the operation of a university office, please enter a report in the Marshall University Reporting System online form. You will receive a confirmation that your report was received.

Contact Us

Graduate Studies Office

Old Main 359
Graduate Studies Contacts

Graduate Admissions
304-696-4723 ext-61900
Graduate Admissions Contacts

Program Directors

List of Graduate Program Directors