Terry Fenger, Ph.D.

Terry Fenger
Professor Emeritus


Dr. Terry W. Fenger served as the Director of the Forensic Science Center from 1994 until 2017 and oversaw the nationally accredited (FEPAC) Forensic Science Master of Science Degree Program, the DNA testing laboratory and the Digital Forensics section. Dr. Fenger received his PhD in Microbiology from Southern Illinois University and then conducted postdoctoral research at LSU Medical Center in New Orleans. In addition to administrative responsibilities Dr. Fenger has served as an instructor in various courses including DNA technologies, Digital Forensics, bioterrorism, crime scene investigation, molecular biology and laboratory management. His research interests include determining the impact of DNA testing of property crime evidence on case resolution, DNA analysis of medical device implants and other related projects. Dr. Fenger has served on numerous national, state and university committees and presents project updates and reports at national meetings.