Dreama Pritt

Educational Background
MA English, Marshall University, 2014
RBA, Marshall University, 2012, Magna Cum Laude
Governors Associate in Applied Science, Mountwest Community & Technical College, 2012

Interests and Specializations
Whedon Studies, Pop Culture, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Literature, Creative Writing (poetry and creative non-fiction), West Virginia Women Writers, Composition, College Courses in High Schools

Dreama Pritt is a native West Virginian who was cradled by mountains and is still delighted with lightning bugs. Now the Joss Whedon expert among Marshall University’s English faculty, her publishing credits include BiostoriesEt Cetera, the Boys Will Be Boys and All About the Girls anthologies, as well as the forthcoming Memoirs of the Feminine Divine: Voices of Power & Invisibility.  She has received awards and publications in multiple genres, including poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, and she is a founding board member for Arts in Action and is a current executive board member for West Virginia Writers, Inc. She has been married to MU Alumnus and US Army veteran Bill Pritt since 1989, and they have three brilliant and witty children.

Selected Publications and Presentations
“eggshells” Memoirs of the Feminine Divine: Voices of Power & Invisibility (forthcoming)

“Inside Out” (poem) and “Snowed In” (CNF). All About the Girls anthology, 2015.

“Brotherly Love” (CNF) and “Whirlwind” (poem). Boys Will Be Boys anthology, 2014.

“Pneumagraphia.” Biostories, 2013.

“Baptized by Fire” Et Cetera, 2011.

“Teaching Composition Through the Works of Whedon: Is Joss Really Boss, or is it Much Ado About Nothing?” Whedon Studies Association Seventh Biennial Slayage Conference on the Whedonverses, Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames, England (July 2016).

West Virginia Writers Annual Conference, Poetry Workshop Presentation (June

“The Food, Faith, and Language of a Region in the Novels of Julia Watts” Appalachian Studies Conference 

“Re-member-oir: The Translation of Memory in Four Memoir Essays,” presentation of creative non-fiction paper “Remembering a Legend,” Marshall University’s COLA Research and Creativity Conference, as part of the panel (2012).