Spring 2023 Assessment Summit

Friday, March 10, 2023

Meeting Details:
Date:               Friday, March 10, 2023
Time:               11:00 AM – 3:00 PM (Lunch provided from JMR)
Location:         Memorial Student Center – Shawkey Dining Room
Teams Link:     (Provide When Final Agenda Sent)
Please Bring:   Laptop or Tablet for Group Task
Lunch:             Provided by the John Marshall Room upon opening at 11:30 AM.


  1. Welcome (Teams & In-Person) for ALL COEPD faculty
  2. COEPD Updates (Teams & In-Person)
    1. In-Person Participants can eat lunch
      1. JMR Buffet
    2. Share S23 enrollment data
    3. Advanced-Level Dispositions (CAEP RA1)
    4. Advanced-Level Recruitment (CAEP RA3)
    5. SPA Progress (CAEP R1, RA1)
    6. West Virginia CAPA
    7. Content Validity (CAEP R5, RA5)
    8. Revised Completer and Employer Surveys (CAEP R4, RA4)
    9. Completer and Employer Focus Groups (CAEP R4, RA4)
    10. Content Advisory Board Progress (CAEP R1, RA1, R5, RA5)
    11. Initial-Level Clinical Updates (CAEP R2)
    12. Advanced-Level Clinical Experiences Working Group (CAEP RA2)
    13. Program Coordinator Information
    14. Questions from Participants
  3. Group Tasks (In-Person) for Teacher Education Programs Only. All others excused (ACE, COUN, ETC.) If faculty will be participating virtually, please have a laptop with you to directly call faculty virtually from your table.
    1. Begin Approximately 12:15
    2. Specialized Accreditation Content Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Worksheet (CAEP R1/RA1)
      1. The purpose is for teacher education programs to ensure and maintain alignment with revised specialized standards regarding candidate knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions. Also, to align assignments in capstone, internship, or practicum courses to the College of Education’s Advanced-Level Dispositions Assessment (ALDA).
      2. Template will be distributed.
    3. Program Conversations on Stakeholder Involvement (CAEP R2/RA2, R5/RA5)
      1. Create (if needed) and schedule advisory board meetings
      2. What data or information does the program need to share with advisory board members?
  • How can stakeholders provide input to better collect data, inform program of current trends, and create a mutually beneficial partnership?
  1. How can the program document this for evidence?
  1. Program Conversation on Recruitment (CAEP R3/RA3)
  2. Adjourn