

In the event the Academy has no electricity, heat, or water, a decision will be made regarding staying open. Every effort will be made to keep the Academy open while considering the safety of the children.

Plan for Dealing with Fire, Ingestion of Poisons, Serious Injuries, Illness

1. Fire – A fire drill is held twice a month. The plan in case of fire is to get out of the building and away from it quickly.
The emergency forms are carried out in order that children’s families can be contacted to come for their children if necessary.

2. Chemical Leaks – If a threatening chemical or otherwise dangerous situation arises The Child Development Academy at Marshall University is prepared for a lock-down shelter in place. All staff members are knowledgeable of the procedure and prepared to produce a safe nurturing environment until we are notified of the All Clear. This information will be available to you via our parent communication tool HiMama. If shelter in place is in effect, persons including parents are not allowed to enter or leave the building.

3. Threatening Persons – Evacuation – In the event the center needs to be evacuated, the children will be taken to a pre-arranged destination for safe harbor until an all-clear can be given.

4. Injuries – Injuries more than a slight scratch or bump are reported to the parent immediately, if possible. In case of an injury that may require medical care, we can obtain quick consultation by phone from Cabell Huntington Hospital or University Pediatrics. If a child must be taken to the emergency room, a family member is expected to come and take the child. If it is impossible to get in touch with a family member and stitches or other medical help are needed, a staff member is to obtain the permission of the Director and then call 911 for an ambulance to transport the child and another adult to Cabell Huntington Hospital, 1340 Hal Greer Blvd. Best judgment is to be used for each individual case based upon first aid and CPR training.


EMERGENCY NUMBERS: St. Mary’s Hospital – (304)526-1234; Emergency Room – (304)526-1111; Cabell Huntington Hospital – (304)526-2000; Emergency Room – (304)526-2200; Ambulance – 911; Poison Control 1-800-222-1222.

WEATHER EMERGENCIES: Tune into your local TV Station or Radio Station for announcements. (WOWK, WSAZ, WKEE, WTCR). The Academy will be closed for inclement weather only when Marshall University offices are closed.

Please note: This information is subject to change without notice. Please refer to official documentation for the most up-to-date and specific information available regarding health, safety and emergency situations.

CDA at Marshall University
CDA at Marshall University
  • Ms. Brittany Jobe - Executive Director
  • Ms. Midge Holley - Office Manager
  • 520 22nd Street, Huntington, WV, 25755
  • Telephone: 304-696-5803
  • Fax: 304-696-5805