Selected Recent Publications


Green, Nathaniel S.; Norton, Michael L., Interaction of DNA with Graphene and Sensing Applications of Graphene Field-effect Transistor Devices: A Review, Anal. Chim. Acta. 853, 127-142, 2015.


Wu, Tsai Chin; Rhaman, Masudur; Norton, Michael L., From Nonfinite to Finite 1D Arrays of Origami Tiles, Acc. Chem. Res., 47(6), 1750-1758, 2014.

Rahman, Masudur; Neff, David; Norton, Michael L., Rapid, High Yield, Directed Addition of Quantum Dots onto Surface Bound Linear DNA Origami Arrays, Chem. Commun., 50(26), 3413-3416, 2014.


Sizov, Igor; Rhaman, Masudur; Gelmont, Boris; Norton, Michael L.; Globus, Tatiana; Sub-THz Spectroscopic Charecterization of Vibrational Modes in Artificially Designed DNA Monocrystals, Chem. Phys. 425, 121-125, 2013.

Mangalum, Anshuman; Rahman, Masudur; Norton, Michael L.; Site-specific Immobilization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes onto Single and One-Dimensional DNA Origami, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135(7) 2451-2454, 2013.

Zhang, W.; Brown, E.R.; Rahman, M.; Norton, M. L.; Observation of Tetrahertz Absorption Signatures in Microliter DNA Solutions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 023701, 2013.


Zadegan, Reza, M.; Norton, Michael, L.;Structural DNA Nanotechnology: From Design to Applications, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 13, 7149-7162, 2012.


Day, Scott B.; Fiegland, Larry R.; Vint, Eric S.; Shen, Wanqiu; Morris, John R.; Norton, Michael L.; Thiolated Dendrimers as Multi-Point Binding Headgroups for DNA Immobilization on Gold,Langmuir, 27(20), 12434-12442, 2011.


Rahman, M. M.; Norton, M. L.; Hierarchical Lithography for Generating Molecular Testbeds, Sensors Journal, IEEE, 10(3), 498-502, 2010.

Globus, T. R.  Norton, M. L.  Lvovska, M. I.  Gregg, D. A.  Khromova, T. B.  Gelmont, B. L., Reliability Analysis of THz Characterization of Modified and Unmodified Vector Sequences, Sensors Journal, IEEE, V. 10 I. 3, pg. 410 - 418, 2010.


Shen, Wanqiu; Zhong, Hong; Neff, David and Norton, Michael L., NTA Directed Protein Nanopatterning on DNA Origami Nanoconstructs, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131 (19), 6660–6661, 2009.

Bellido, Edson P.; Bobadilla, Alfredo D.; Rangel, Norma L.; Zhong, Hong; Norton; Alexander Sinitskii, Alexander and J. M. Seminario.; Current-voltage-temperature characteristics of DNA origami, Nanotechnology 20, 175102, 2009.

Bobadilla, Alfredo D; Bellido, Edson P.; Rangel, Norma L.; Zhong, Hong; Norton, Michael; Sinitskii, Alexander and Seminario, Jorge M.; DNA origami impedance measurement at room temperature; J. Chem. Phys., 130 171101 (2009).  Selected for the Vir. J. Nan. Sci. & Tech., Vol. 19, Issue 20, Organic-Inorganic hybrid nanostructures (2009); and for the May 15, 2009 issue of Vir. J. Bio. Phys. Res. (2009)


Norton, Michael; Day, B. Scott; Cao, Huan; Rahman, Mashiur; and Gin, Aaron; Arrays of Nanoarrays:  Elements of Binding, IEEE Sensors Journal, 8(6), 874-879, 2008.

Hong, Sungmin; Jauregui, Luis A.; Rangel, Norma L.; Cao, Huan;  Day, B. Scott;  Norton, Michael L.;  Sinitskii,  Alexander S.; and Seminario, Jorge M.; Impedance measurements on a DNA junction, J. Chem. Phys. 128(20), 201103-201106, 2008.

Santagata, N.M.,   Pengshun Luo,   Lakhani, A.M.,   DeWitt, D.J.,   Day, B.S.,   Norton, M.L.,   Pearl, T.P.;  Organizational Structure and Electronic Decoupling of Surface Bound Chiral Domains and Biomolecules, IEEE Sensors Journal, 8(6), 758-766, 2008.


Norton, Michael; Designed Self-Organization for Molecular Optoelectronic Sensors, International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, 17(2), 311-326, 2007


Rice, K.M.; Preston, D.L.; Neff, D.; Norton,  M.; Blough, E.R.; Age-related dystrophin-glycoprotein complex structure and function in the rat extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscle, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci., 61(11), 1119-29, 2006.

Mashiur Rahman, B. Scott Day, Huan Cao, Heather Butts, Michael L. Norton, Ordered DNA Arrays Prepared via Soft Lithography ,  Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 6370 Nanomaterial Synthesis and Integration for Sensors, Electronics, Photonics, and Electro-Optics Editor(s): Nibir K. Dhar, Achyut K. Dutta, M. Saif Islam ISBN: 0-8194-6468-6 Oct 2006.

Michael Norton, David Neff, Scott Day, Zachary Grambos, Mikala Shremshock, Heather Butts, Huan Cao; Single Molecule Substrates for Lithography; Proceedings of IEEE-NANO 2006.

Michael Norton, David Neff, Ian Towler, Scott Day, Zachary Grambos, Mikala Shremshock, Heather Butts, Christiaan Meadows, Yuko Samiso, Huan Cao, and Mashiur Rahman,  Designed self-organization for molecular optoelectronics; Proceedings of SPIE -- Volume 6212  Terahertz for Military and Security Applications IV, Dwight L. Woolard, R. Jennifer Hwu, Mark J. Rosker, James O. Jensen, Editors, 621203 (May. 19, 2006)


Tan, Hazel L.; Krebs, Thomas; Andersson, Gunther; Neff, David; Norton, Michael; Morgner, Harald; Van Patten, P. Gregory,  Internal Structure of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Probed via Neutral Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy, Langmuir, 21(6), 2598-2604, 2005.

Norton, M., Barhoumi, A. and  Neff, D., Templates for Sequential Assembly of DNA Based Nanostructures, Proceedings of IEEE-NANO 2005 Nagoya, 2005.


Vaidya, A.A; Norton, M.L., DNA Attachment Chemistry at the Flexible Silicone Elastomer Surface: Toward Disposable Microarrays, Langmuir, 20, 11,100–11,107, 2004.
Vaidya, Ashish and Norton, Michael, DNA Attachement Chemistry on Flexible Silicone
Elastomer Surface: Toward Plastic Microarrays
, Polym. Prepr. 45, 606-607, 2004.

Van Patten, P. Gregory; Tan, Hazel L.; Krebs, Thomas; Andersson, Gunther; Neff, David; Norton, Michael; and Morgner, Herald; Inside Polyelectrolyte Multilayers, Polym Mater. Sci. Eng., 90, 751-752, 2004.


Chai, Minghui; Holly, Aaron K and Norton, Michael L., Synthesis and Charcterization of PPI-3 Encapsulated Metal Nanoparticles, Polym Prepr, 44, 296-297, 2003.

Norton, Michael L., Inventor: Methods, Probes, and Accessory Molecules for Detecting Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, patent application number PCT/US03/15761, filed
May 20, 2003.

Michael Norton, Aoune Barhoumi, David Neff, Toward Large Nanostructures, Proceedings 2003 3rd IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 432-436, 2003.

Dykes, A.C., Fultz, M.E., Norton, M.L. and Wright, G.L., Microtubule-dependent PKC Localization in A7r5 Smooth Muscle Cells, American Journal Physiol. Cell Physiol., 285, C76-C87, 2003.

Zherikhina, Larisa N.; Golovashkin, A.I.; Gudenko, A.V.; Kuleshova, G.V.; Tskhovrebov, A. M.; and Norton, M.L.; H-T Phase Diagram of the High – Tc Ba-K-Bi- O, Physica C , 388, 451-452, 2003.


Gannett; P., Powell, J., Johnson, E., Darian, E., Dalal, N., Norton, M., and Budil, D. Solid Phase DNA Binding Detection by EPR Spectroscopy, Tetrahedron Letters, 43, 1931-1933, 2002


Li, C., Fultz, M.E., Geng, W., Norton, M. and Wright, G.L.,Concentration-dependent phorbol stimulation of PKCa localization at the nucleus or subplasmalemma in A7r5 cells, Pflugers Arch – Eur J Physiol, 443, 38-47, 2001.


Battistella-Patterson, A., Fultz, M., Li, C., Geng, W., Norton,M., and Wright, G.; PKCa Translocation is Microtubule-Dependent in Passaged Smooth Muscle Cells. Acta Physiol. Scand., 170, 87-97, 2000.

Zill, SN, Frazier, SF, Neff, D, Quimby, L, Carney, M, DiCaprio, R, Thuma, J and Norton, M. Three Dimensional Graphic Reconstruction of the Insect Exoskeleton Through Confocal Imaging of Endogenous Fluorescence, Microscopy Res Tech; 48(6), 367-84, 2000


Publications which used SEM imaging from MBIC :

1. Fet, V., M.E. Soleglad & A.V. Gromov. 2004. The platypus of a scorpion: genus Pseudochactas (Scorpiones: Pseudochactidae). Proceedings of the 3d Scorpiology Symposium, American Arachnological Society 28th Annual Meeting,  Norman, Oklahoma, 28 June 2004. Euscorpius, 17: 61-68.  

2. Fet, V., M. E. Soleglad, D. P. A. Neff & I. Stathi. 2004. Tarsal armature in the superfamily Iuroidea (Scorpiones: Iurida). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología, 10: 17-40.  

3. Fet, E. V., D. Neff, M. Graham & V. Fet. 2003. Metasoma of Orthochirus (Scorpiones: Buthidae): are scorpions evolving a new sensory organ? Revista Ibérica de Aracnología, 8: 69-72.

4. Soleglad, M. E. & V. Fet. 2003. High-level systematics and phylogeny of the extant scorpions (Scorpiones: Orthosterni). Euscorpius, 11: 1-175.   (

5. Soleglad, M.E. & V. Fet. 2004. The systematics of scorpion subfamily Uroctoninae (Scorpiones: Chactidae). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología, 10: 81-128.

6. Fet, V., M.S. Brewer, M. E. Soleglad & D.P.A. Neff.  2006. Constellation array: a new sensory structure in scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 38: 269–278. 

7. Fet, V., M.E. Soleglad & M.S. Brewer. 2006. Laterobasal aculear serrations (LAS) in scorpion family Vaejovidae (Scorpiones: Chactoidea). Euscorpius, 45: 1–19.

8. Fet, V., M.E. Soleglad, M.S. Brewer, D.P.A. Neff & M.L. Norton. 2006a. Constellation array in scorpion genera Paruroctonus, Smeringurus, Vejovoidus, and Paravaejovis (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae). Euscorpius, 41: 1–15.

9. Fet, V., M.E. Soleglad, M.S. Brewer, D.P.A. Neff & M.L. Norton. 2006b. Vestigial serrula in scorpion genera Paruroctonus, Smeringurus, Vejovoidus, and Paravaejovis (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae). Euscorpius, 49: 1–20.   

10. Graham, M.R. & V. Fet. 2006. Serrula in retrospect: a historical look at scorpion literature (Scorpiones: Orthosterni). Euscorpius, 48: 1–19. 

11. Soleglad, M. E. & V. Fet.  2006. Contributions to scorpion systematics. II. Stahnkeini, a new tribe in scorpion family Vaejovidae (Scorpiones: Chactoidea). Euscorpius, 40: 1–32.